Effective Tools to Stop Others from Changing Your Files


If you are worried about the security of your content or your files, then you should make sure that you consider different ways in which you can protect your files and your documents.

In this four-minute content, we are going to tell you about the different yet interesting ways in which you can simply stop other people from changing your files. Changing files and content in them has been a very important thing from the past many years.

We have seen millions of cases of fraud and theft that were based on the simple changing of files and content on them.

Tampering doc files is a serious offense, and you should always make sure that you save your work from this act!

Backup your data early and more often!

Now the first tip that we can give you is that you start backing up your data in your online sources. We have seen people be lazy about it.

If you are not backing up your data and your work online, then you should know that you have no proof to defend yourself in this regard. Now the question is how often you should back up your work.

Well, it depends on you, how much data you are having on your system and how much can you afford to lose if your system crashes completely.

Expert opinion is to save and backup your data every night before you go to bed, especially if you are a content manager or writer, then it is greatly beneficial for you!

Converting word files to pdf format

If you want your docs to be secure, then you should know that it is only possible if you share them in pdf format.

Pdf format files are especially important and useful in every regard, and this is why we recommend the use of these files whenever you want to share anything with anyone.

There are many tools and apps that can help you in any file to pdf conversion, but the best application in this regard is by the PDF Converter – Convert PDF to Word Document by CA apps.

This Pdf Converter App is free to download and use and this is why we want you to give it a try. This pdf converter can simply provide protection to your files to the most proficient level. The following conversions can be made with this all pdf converter application!

  • You can convert WORD to PDF, JPG to PDF, PDF to JPG, PPT to PDF, PPT to ZIPPING, and vice versa.
  • You can also convert text files to pdf with this application!

There are many more features of this application that can help you with file protection, and that is why you should use this app!

Also Read: 3 PDFBear Convenient Steps To Convert PDF To JPG For Free

Use share-level security!

Now, most of you don’t know about it. You should know that important data files that you send over to your clients or partners must always be protected based on share-level security.

Now, this type of file or content will always be protected and can be opened by the direct user you have shared the file with. It should be crystal to you that you can only add protections and passwords to the files that are in pdf format.

Use disk encryption

Now disk encryption is a very important part of file protection. You must know that there are hundreds and even more tools and apps on the web that you can use on the web for free.

These tools and apps can help you in encrypting complete drives in one go! So, if you have simply collected some bulk of files that you need to protect and share then this is the best way in which you can do it.

You can simply help yourself in encrypting complete drives not only USB but also other flash drives. This is a very useful feature and a way that you should definitely avail.

Also Read: Hard Disk Drive: Everything That You Need to Know About it

Always use a protected Wi-Fi service

According to reliable reports you should know that you can simply secure your documents transfers if you use a secure Wi-Fi network, hackers can easily get your files if you are using a network that is open for all users.

If you use free network systems for sharing your files and content, then there is always a chance that your content can be stolen. It is always recommended that you use a password-protected Wi-Fi system, or you should use a wired system if you have one.

Both of these are mediums that can lessen the chances of your content getting hacked and changed.

Note: Use these tips in your professional life so that you can help yourself in protecting your work!